Crush Self Doubt: Silencing Your Inner Critic

Me, you, your neighbour, your best friend? We’ve all got something rather pesky in common that likes to pop up here and there…that ol’ chestnut called self-doubt. Today? We’re talking about lowering the dial on the noise, as you chase after your dream life and grab your goals with both hands.

The Universal Struggle:

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, one thing unites us all – the silent battle with self-doubt. If you've ever felt that gnawing uncertainty, questioning your capabilities, you're not alone. Recently I asked our community what they struggle with most and nearly half responded with, you guessed it, self doubt. And you know what? That's okay. It's part of the human experience. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t implement strategies to reduce it’s volume.

Cue Emma Watson:

Remember Hermione Granger? All my fellow Harry Potter fanatics are screaming “um, obviously?!” But, if you’ve been living under a rock - let me introduce you to Emma Watson, the actress who brought her to life. Reason I’m mentioning this trailblazer? Well, she once shared a quote that speaks volumes to the self-doubt struggle we all can face – the more successful she became, the louder her inner critic spoke. Take this as you reminder that self-doubt doesn't discriminate; it touches everyone, regardless of their achievements. Even those who we perceive to have it all aren’t sheltered from the human experience.

Unlearning and Rewiring:

One of my favourite truth bombs? We’re not born doubting ourselves, we learn to do so. I love this because if we learnt to doubt ourselves, that means we can also learn to stop. Think back to learning to walk. You stumbled, you fell, but you never doubted your ability to stand up again. Let’s channel this relentless belief and re-discover the confidence that lives within.

Emma Watson's words echo a sentiment we often forget – even those we admire grapple with self-doubt. The first step to silencing this inner critic is understanding that it's a learned behavior, not an inherent flaw. But, it's also time to unlearn the doubts that hold us back.

My 3 top tips to begin to lower the volume on self-doubt:

  1. Recognize the Universality of Self-Doubt:

    • Understand that every human being experiences self-doubt.

    • Acknowledge that self-doubt doesn't stem from inadequacy but often accompanies new, important, and meaningful endeavors.

    • Remind yourself of the normalcy of self-doubt in moments of uncertainty.

  2. Create a Personal Toolkit of Evidence:

    • Compile a list of instances in your life where self-doubt was proven wrong.

    • Document situations where your inner critic told you "you can't," but you defied the odds and succeeded.

    • Use this personal toolkit as a tangible reminder that self-doubt isn't always a reliable narrator of your abilities.

  3. Build Trust in Yourself Through Action:

    • Incorporate a small daily activity that makes you feel good about showing up for yourself.

    • The activity could be anything that brings joy, fulfillment, or a sense of accomplishment.

    • Consistently following through on these positive actions helps rebuild trust in yourself and strengthens your resilience against self-doubt.

    Ready to dive even deeper into this empowering conversation? Ready to silence your inner critic and embrace your journey with confidence? 🚀 Tune in to the full episode on the Dare to Thrive podcast!

    Link to Episode: "Crush Self-Doubt: 3 Tips to Silencing Your Inner Critic”

    Don't miss out on the wisdom and insights shared in this episode. Hit play, absorb the empowering vibes, and let's conquer self-doubt together! 💪


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